23rd - 24th April 2015
* Super exciting day! Hooray!!!! I met lovely illustrator friends (Ariane, Jia and June) in Seoul. It's the first time for a year after graduated.
It's glad to see Ariane and Dhamesh in Seoul!
** Second day, we had nice time. We went to Samsung D'light, Gyobo Book store and Seoul N Tower at Nam san(Mountain). It's great to be together and time is too short.
25th - 26th April 2015
* My favourite pens. I went to the Pen Show with my friends.
It's a biggest pen fair in Korea. There are so many choice.
If I have more cash, I might buy more (especially, Japanese stuffs).
After the show, I met my best mate, MS in Garosu-gil.
** Freckled face, it's so cute~!!
27th - 28th April 2015
* I went to hair shop and dyed my hair (a bit) lighter than before.
Don't worry, I'm not blond.
** back to Jeju. A cup of coffee makes me happy.
(BUT flight was sucks, too much shaking)
29th - 30th April 2015
* Strawberries~! Well, Mum has everything I want to eat.
1st - 2nd May 2015
* My former boss' birthday! Happy birthday!!
Anyway, hell gate opens! (Hate packing for moving)
** Who knows Kimbab? It's not difficult (but so many steps to prepare).
Only one person (Me) in my family like to make Kimbab.
So, when the others were busy for moving, I made it. Haha-.
3rd - 4th May 2015
* I can't hear what you're talking.
** I Went to ophthalmic clinic. A Doctor said I need rest. Haha.