I can't believe I keep doing this project.
It's not easier than I thought.
Several times, I was thinking to quit it because I felt stupid by myself.
It's too sad nobody interests for my drawings (doodling, perhaps) and project.
Well, already June came. I've done it more than half.
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25th - 26th May 2015
* I found nice cafe at east of Jeju island.
This place is already famous for drip coffee. I recomended 'iced drip latter'.
I prefer hot drink normally but it's so delicious~!!!!
Aha, this place's name is 'Poonglim-davant'.
** I forgot when is last time to buy a bag.
After using fabic bag, I lost interesting about brand.
Perhaps, if I move to city, it would be alive insind my mind. Haha.
27th - 28th May 2015
* Gosh, it's getting worst.
** Pizza. Hope people can recognize it as pizza.
29th - 30th May 2015
* Hopeless. it looks 'Dooli'. Danmed!
** Summer is comming. Hummmm, Perhaps, it already came.
31st May - 1st June 2015
* I watched a movie. it touched so deeply.
Aha, sorry for him. my drawing is suck.
Anyway, can you recognise who they are?
** I recived things, orderd few days ago.
New material! Hooray~! but it's not great as I imagined.